Monday 4 November 2013

Looking ahead

I believe it's always good to have something to look forward to. I have a really good friend that whenever i'm sad, tells me to imagine my future life, starting with where I'm going to live, down to the tiniest detail of the floor plan of the house, the fixtures and fittings and the colours of the walls, try it out, you'll find it way more fun that you expect. Hey, write it down and read it over in 15 years, see if you achieve anything you wanted to :)

So, in that spirit, I started looking at Universities yesterday, following an in depth conversation with my mum over a cup of coffee in a warm costa café, I decided that I want to start looking at where I'm going to be in just under two years time, aka a lot closer than I thought! I don't hate college, I actually really enjoy my classes and I'm not drowning under the amount of work, but the idea of something like University is exciting!

Through looking at Universities I've kind of creating a hierarchy of factors that are important to me in choosing where I would like to study, it goes a little bit like this:

  • Look at League Tables for specific subjects I want to take (currently basing this on law)
  • Distance from home, as much as I want some freedom and to discover something new I love my family and friends so realistically, don't want to be more than 3 hours away (however Durham is amazingly beautiful)
  • What it looks like, now I know this sounds seriously superficial but I like being proud of where I live or study, and there's something amazingly beautiful about all of these old universities, I went to Cambridge twice with my school and fell in love with all of the older colleges. I really don't like modern looking Universities, I'm going for the good old hogwarts look ;)
So this is what I've come up with so far:

  • University of Bristol (AAA)
  • Kings College London (A*AA)
  • University of Birmingham (AAA)
  • Durham University (Shown here ->)
  • Cardiff University (AAB)
Still got a while to go before I even need to start thinking about UCAS applications, but there's no harm in being prepared!

Megan xox

Sunday 3 November 2013


Hi all,

I'm Megan:) I'm 16 years old and am currently studying at Farnborough Sixth Form College. I am pretty new to college, have been there roughly 7 weeks and am still trying to get used to my surroundings! I know that a lot of people find fitting into new places really difficult, and as an outgoing person I didn't expect to struggle in anyway at college, but just like everyone else I was a bit taken by surprise at the massive change! But like any new things in life we have to dive in head first and make the most of the opportunities presented to us, so that is what I am endeavouring to do!

So to introduce myself a bit I'll do the typical favourites lists, hopefully they'll entertain you just a teeny bit:)
I'm a massive film lover, I love going to the cinema with friends, as well I love doing things like that with my mum, despite me being 16 she refuses to watch anything rated higher than a 12 because she squirms at any language or sex scenes, so we stick to the PG/12's when together! Of course you can't beat a good movie day in with a big tub of ice cream and your duvet, especially after a bad day! A few of my favourites would have to be The Notebook, Easy A, Shawshank Redemption, Romeo and Juliet (The Leo version of course!) The Parent Trap, Die Another Day and Skyfall (both Bonds), all of the Bourne films, plus all of the obvious girly chick flicks such as Mean Girls, LOL, She's The Man, Raise Your Voice, the list is endless and I could literally go on for hours! Can't forget Chicago though, can't beat a musical film!

So I'm really fickle when it comes to music and change my tastes all of the time but a few that have stuck with me are All Time Low, You Me At Six, McFly (my first ever concert!), Fun. Bastille, I'm loving Katy Perry's new album at the moment, not ashamed to say that I enjoy a bit of One Direction/Justin Bieber every now and then too! Loooove Ellie Goulding, mostly because she is the cutest thing ever in a beanie:) Alongside Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, Evanescence, Bruno Mars, Gabrielle Aplin, Imagine Dragons, The Vamps, Macklemore, Passenger
and many more, as I said, very wide range of music taste!

I'm an English Literature student so naturally I love to curl up to a good book! Our first AS novel is Tess of the D'Urbervilles and I'm really enjoying it, the gritty content makes it so much fun to sink your teeth into! I only really read fiction, and 9 times out of 10 will choose a modern book for pleasure reading as I obviously have to deal with far less contemporary literature for college work! So a few of my favourites have been The Fault In Our Stars and Looking for Alaska, both by John Green, the whole Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Unashamedly the twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, of course the Harry Potter collection by the one and only J.K Rowling, The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks, P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern, Dead To You by Lisa McMann, Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher, I loved reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck for GCSE English and of course the works of Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet being my favourite! I'm always looking for new stuff to read so any recommendations are greatly appreciated!

Not sure what I'm going to fill this blog with yet, que sera sera! (Just a quick note, explanation marks seem to look like L's with the font I have chosen, I would change the font but I may have fallen in love with it, so for the moment I think I'll just leave it as it is!)

Megan xox